Friday, December 23, 2022

ECN 105: Basic Econometrics



(part by RM)

Topic 1: Simultaneous Equation System

# Why do we have Simultaneous Systems?

# OLS in Simultaneous System - Simultaneous Bias

# Methods to solve Simultaneous System - Recursive System & OLS

# Methods to solve Simultaneous System - Indirect Least Square

# ILS and Identification

# Identification Conditions - Order & Rank Conditions

# Methods to solve Simultaneous System - 2-Stage Least Square (2SLS)

# Bias and Consistency of ILS and 2SLS estimates


For dataset to practice estimation of SES, click here and here

In the first the two CEVs are Crime Rate and Log_Police_expense

Possible PDVs are Unemployment and Literacy for first CEV and Police/area and Pop Density for second CEV

In the second the two CEVs are Cigs and Log_income

 Possible PDVs are Age, Age sq and Cig_Price for first CEV and Age, Age-sq and Edu_Years for second CEV

Topic 2: Qualitative Variables

# What are Qualitative Variables?

# How to convert Qualitative Variables into Machine Readable format?

# Qualitative Independent Variables : The Dummy Variable Trap

# One Qualitative Explanatory Variable - Intercept Dummy; Slope Dummy; 

# Multiple Qualitative Variables - Interaction Dummy

# Dissimilar; Coincident; Parallel; Concurrent Regressions

# Qualitative Dependent Variable - The Linear Probability Model

# Qualitative Dependent Variable - The Logit Model



Gujarati, DN: Basic Econometrics

Gujarati, DN: Econometrics by Example

Wooldridge: Econometrics - An Introduction

Problem Set for Practice:  HERE


Monday, July 11, 2022

ECN 203 - Development Economics-II - Group B

 Gender and Development

For Handouts, Reading materials and Reference list see the Google Classroom related to this course

Topic 1: Why study Gender Inequality

# Disparities between Males and females - Facts
# Arenas in which females face inequalities
# The concept of "missing women" problem
# Why we need to measure Gender Inequality


Sen, AK. "Many Faces of Gender Inequality"  HANDOUT 

Topic 2: Measurement of Gender Inequalities

# Methods to measure Gender Equality / Inequality

# Brief description and computational methods of GDI, GII, GEM, Gender adjusted HDI

# Critical and comparative analysis of the different measures of Gender Equality / Inequality



UNDP - Technical Notes on GDI, GEI and GII from the UNDP Human Development Reports

Topic 3: Gender and Work

# Forms of gender inequality in workplace
# Backward and forward linkages of gender disparity in workplace
# Rationale behind Gender based specialisation within the household
# Difference between Inequality & Discrimination
# Forms of Discrimination faced by women in Labour market

# Care work and Women
# Double burden of work

 Class Handout HERE


Becker, G. 1981. A Treatise on the Family. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Becker, G. (1985):Human Capital, Effort and the Sexual Division of Labour,” Journal of Labour Economics, 3, 33-58. [314]

Endow, T. Majumder, R, N Mukherjee (2021) Increase of Urban Women’s Work Participation and Quality of Employment in Paid-Domestic Work: A Survey in Delhi-NCR and Kolkata-Asansol, Indian Journal of Human Development, Vol. 15(3), pp410426, Sage, 2021, DOI:10.1177/09737030211066866 [ ]

Ferrant, G. (2015). How Do Gender Inequalities Hinder Development? Cross-Country Evidence. Annals of Economics and Statistics, 117/118, 313352.

Klasen, S. 1994.Missing Women Reconsidered’. World Development 22: 1061-71.
Lama, Sita, Majumder, R. (2018) Gender Inequality in Wage and Employment in Indian Labour Market, Journal of Academic Research in Economics, Vol. 10(3), p482-500, 2018 [ ]

Majumder, R. (2012) Female Labour Supply in India: Proximate Determinants, Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Vol. 55, No. 3, 2012 [ ]

Mukherjee, D, Majumder, R. (2011) Occupational Pattern, Wage Rates & Earning Disparities in India: A Decomposition Analysis, Indian Economic Review, Vol. 45, No. 1, June 2011 [ ]

Mukherjee, N, Majumder, R. (2015) Unpaid Work and Missing Women in the Indian Labour Market, Indian Journal of Human Development, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2015, pp191-217, Sage, [DOI:]

Olsen, Wendy "Stereo typical and Traditional Views About the Gender Division of Labour in Indian Labour Markets"   HERE

Topic 4: Gender & Deprivation

# Intra-household inequalities in Nutrition and Health - Rationale and Impact

Handout here



Problem Set for Practice

#  What are the frontiers in which females face discrimination?

#  What are different forms of inequalities faced by women?

#  What do you mean by ‘missing women’ problem? Why is it more visible in developing countries?

#  Why do we need to measure gender inequality? What are the different measures of gender inequality – narrate briefly.

#  What are the different forms of gender inequality in the workplace? Explain with special reference to developing countries.

#  What are the backward and forward linkages of lower female participation in the workplace?

#  What is the rationale behind gender-based specialisation within the household? How can it explain lower female participation in the labour market?

#  What factors led to a reduction in gender disparity in Europe and North America in the 20th century, much before it started in Asia? Discuss the Kerala experience in this context.

#  What do you mean by gender discrimination? How is it different from Gender disparity?

#  What are the different forms of discrimination faced by women in the workplace? Explain with special reference to developing countries.

#  What do you mean by double burden of work? Explain why women face double burden of work in developing countries. What are its impacts?

#  Why does Gender inequality matter for the development process of a country?

#  “Females in the poor households are doubly deprived in terms of health and nutrition” – Evaluate this statement critically.

#  What drives intra-household inequality in nutrition? Who are the sufferers of such inequality?


Sunday, April 17, 2022

ECN 203 - Development Economics-II - Group A

 Social Sector & Development

Problem Set for Practice: HERE

Topic 1: Introduction to Social Sector

# What is social sector?

# Approaches to understanding importance of Social Sector

# Social Sector Policies: Some Stylised facts

# Is social sector development good economics?

Reference list: HERE

Handout: HERE

Topic 2: Education and Development

Why Education is Important
#  Costs & Benefits of Education
#  Methods to estimate Benefits from Education
#  Education in Developing Countries

Reference list: HERE

Handout: HERE


Topic 3: Health and Development

# What is Health?

# Cost of Illness

# Determinants of Health

# Health Care System Models

Handout: HERE


Tuesday, March 31, 2020

ECN 404 C: Rural Develoment

Rajarshi M will post updates on this page for the topics taught by him. Students are advised to keep watching regularly.

Topic 1:
  • The concept of Rural - Rural vs Urban - Development at what cost - Types of Rural..... 
  • Transition in Rural Development Theory over the years

van der Ploeg, J et al (2008) 'Towards a new theoretical framework for understanding regional rural development',       HERE

Ch 1 of the above    HERE

Ellis, Frank and Stephen Biggs (2001) 'Evolving Themes in Rural Development 1950s-2000s, Development Policy Review, Vol 19 (4), pp437-448        HERE

Mayfield, James B. () A Chronology of Rural Development Theory and Practice (1950s-2000s)     HERE

Topic 2
Political Economy of Rural Development - The different types and phases of exploitation - Politics of Rural Poverty - Remedial Options...........

Wignaraja, Ponna (1985) 'Towards a new Praxis of Rural Development',
Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, Vol 56, Issue 1-2, pp121-43    HERE

de Janvry, Alain (1975) 'The Political Economy of Rural Development in Latin America: An Interpretation', American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol 57 (3), August 1975, pp490-99,    HERE
de Janvry, Alain & Sadoulet, Elisabeth (1989) 'The Political Feasibility of Rural Poverty Reduction', CUDARE Working Papers 198495, University of California, Berkeley, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics.    HERE

de Janvry, Alain & Sadoulet, Elisabeth (2003) 'Achieving Success in Rural Development: Toward Implementation of an Integral Approach', 2003 Annual Meeting, August 16-22, 2003, Durban, South Africa: Plenary Sessions 245924, International Association of Agricultural Economists.    HERE

Topic 3
Infrastructure & Rural Development - Characteristics of Infrastructure - Types of infrastructure - How infrastructure augments rural livelihood - Private & Public infrastructure - Transport infrastructure and Rural Income - Transport, Power, Irrigation, Banking, Marketing & Social infrastructure in rural India ...........

Majumder, R. (2008) - Infrastructure and Development in India: Interlinkages and Policy Issues, Rawat

The Impact of Infrastructure on Growth in Developing Countries, Estache and Garsous, 2012, IFC Economics Notes; HERE   

Rodrigue, J-P et al. (2018) The Geography of Transport Systems HERE

Infrastructure, Geographical Disadvantage, and Transport Costs, Nuno Limao and Anthony Venables, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 2257, 1999; HERE

Poverty and Inequality in India: The Role of Infrastructure, Asian Economic Review, Vol 55, No 3, 2013; A previous version HERE 

Topic 4
Climate Change and Rural Development - What is Climate Change? - Typical signs of Climate Change - Impact of Climate Change on Crop Productivity - Impact of Climate Change on Rural Livelihood ...........


Kurukulasuriya, Pradeep; Rosenthal, Shane. 2013. Climate Change and Agriculture : A Review of Impacts and Adaptations, Environment department papers No. 91. Climate change series. Washington DC ; World Bank. (Page 1-26) Here

Dev, Mahendra. (2011). Climate change, rural livelihoods and agriculture (focus on food security) in Asia-Pacific region.; IGIDR WP 2011-014 Here

Presentations & Other Materials: Here-1   Here-2  Here-3